This painting is based on the book Stone Blind by Natalie Haynes, which is a feminist retelling of characters from traditional Greek myths. The book is snarky, witty, tragic & eye-opening.
Instead of giving Medusa her traditional head of snakes as per her historically villainized avatar (where she has been portrayed as an irrationally vengeful monster) I instead gave her soft flowers and plant-like tendrils for hair, to depict the essence of the feminist re-telling, where her innocence was snatched away and she was then cursed because of the ego-clashes and arrogance of some greek gods.
Related paintings are Clytemnestra and Ariadne.
Size of the artwork shown as wall-art is 24 x 24 inch. In the picture with mixed sizes, its 24 x 24 inch and 20 x 20 inch
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